I think it is a different situation altogether. Most cage cashiers work for $8 and less an hour. Many just want to put in 8 hours and go through the motions. Many chip collectors will tip when a cashier goes out of her way for them. Many do not. A couple of bucks will get the draggers moving for you. A cashier selling chips over face out of the cage, would be fired on the spot. All transactions are on tape.
There are cashiers that profit from the hobby. They have learned what is good, put them aside, and buy them after shift. I have cashiers bring me chips after work quite often. They do it for a profit. They have the Chip Rack.
My opinions are mine and I do not have any trouble expressing them. I hope I never offend anyone. If everybody agrees with me, I would be disapointed. I only want what is good for the hobby. most chippers do. I was a major cause in teaching casinos about LE's, not only the one I worked at but my stamp is on many LE's from many casinos. I pushed them hard, they learned well. maybe LE's are good and maybe they are bad. I just do not want any part of teaching the casinos we will pay over face. If it would produce the same results as the LE craze, we are in for a big ride.