sword. In order to make trades, you must have traders, and it can take a little while to increase your trade stock. But as you increase your trade stock (which represents money) the potential size of your collection is always reduced by the monetary value of your trade stock.
I remember my first RR. It had 30 chips, 20 of which I wanted. The other 10 were duplicates, six of which I also had as traders, so I could not put them in. I ended up having two that I could trade for. I even had an RR come through in which all my traders were already there. I had to send it along without making a change!
Anyway, just watch the BB, at some point someone will organize an RR and you just simply email them to join in. I've even seen "newbie-only" RR's, so be patient.
Lastly, if you want to do RR's in the future, just remember that every time you get to a casino, always try to buy several, if not 10, of their current $1 chips. This helps to establish a pool of RR traders. Also, don't ever put a chip into an RR that you wouldn't want to have in your because of condition.
Good luck,
Jim Follis