This new addition is part of a Series (317). ChipGuide displays 1 image from a Series and then lists the other images as hot-linked CG#'s. When you viewed the online listing of daily changes, it does not also show the CG#. Moreover, when you click the hot link, you are taken to that entries overall heading (the Casino name) and specifically to the new entry.
However, if you subscribe to "ChipGuide News Service", that same listing is sent, via email to subscribers, and that listing includes an image of the item, as well as the CG#. Shown below.
Unfortunately, clicking the hot link there, once again only sends you to the Casino listing page, and not to the item. But knowing it's CG# and having seen the image, you can then find the entry under it's category heading (Roulettes).
In the comments section for this entry, it states that the new entry is a notched version of CG123814.
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