Hi Jill; Will take care of and
and "dove-tail" definition.
Actually, the glossary is mis-named. It is not "MY" glossary, but an accumulation of words and definitions that have been submitted mostly by users of this bulletin board and which have been turned over to the club officers to present in what ever manner they thought would be of the most benefit ... primarily to "newbies". The original idea came from Robert Eisenstadt via a post on this bulletin board quite some time ago, but was not followed up. If you will look at the end of the glossary, all of the glossary contributors are listed. I thought that in addition to this glossary being published on the club website, it would be titled "CC & GTCC Glossary" ... and that perhaps it would also be distributed to new club members as a handy reference when their membership cards were sent out.
I would be more than happy to take your suggestions .... and definitions ... and forward them to the webmaster to add to the list ... and list you as a contributor. Also, send me your definition of "Jilling" ... just so I get it right the first time. ("I gotta have it ... do you have an extra?")