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Re: Can you attach a file that can be downloaded a

Not sure when the recording started but we used to have them burned onto videotape (yes you heard that right) and then ancient format DVD and they were sold at the shows.
By the time we decided to put them online some years were sold out. I have a copy of those that were available at that time.

They are all in formats that I am no longer able to read or convert or had trouble because of the dubbed audio.

So out of those missing from the site, I have 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 here on DVD's I can no longer read.
I have 2006 on my hard drive in an 'alien' format.
And I have 2004 on DVD I can't read.

The club had an inventory of some of these I listed above at one point. You could check with Sharona whether we still own any.
Failing that if anyone thinks they can do something with these I could send them to you.

Messages In This Thread

Killing the MOGH - My opinions and comments
Re: Killing the MOGH - My opinions and comments
Re: Killing the MOGH - My opinions and comments
WOW Doug! Thanks for that amazing and informative
The MoGH Also ...
Very good points
The Lending Library..
Joel, yes it is a thing and
Agree, Dennis, I Have Used It in the Past..
Joel, here is the LONG list of what
Re: Joel, here is the LONG list of what
Can you attach a file that can be downloaded and
Re: Can you attach a file that can be downloaded a
Check club library.
Re: Can you attach a file that can be downloaded a
David, thank you for the reply
Re: The MoGH Also ...
Let's open the box ...
Doug- Punt, let CCA absorb MOGH
Re: Doug- Punt, let CCA absorb MOGH
Rich, I can understand your point of view.
I Agree With Rich, but to Compare MoGH to a Car..
Joel, i sent you an email with my phone number
Doug, Can’t Today by Will Later in Week.
understanding some points
Maybe just needs a structure tweak...
Re: Killing the MOGH - My opinions and comments
The MOGH needs its own 501c3 and Mission.
Thanks Doug + No I didn't know all of that.
Re: Thanks Doug + No I didn't know all of that.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg