Doug in the car industry such as General Motors they had a kill Oldsmobile they had a kill Pontiac. They had a kill hummer. They had a kill Saturn. All of these things happened to survive and avoid bankruptcy and demise by General Motors. Now that’s a long stretch of a comparison, I agree, but we are a business not just a little club, we have an obligation to our membership. I don’t care if the museum of gaming history is a separate entity. The membership is confused they have to join their local club like the SNCCC or the New York area chip collector club. They have to join the natural CCA Club, then they have to join or can join the Mogh … why do we spend money promoting the museum of game history when they barely mention the casino collectibles association I’ve seen the exhibit we’re like hind tit a stepchild. Let’s put our efforts into the CCA and move forward we can still have exhibit we can still have the chipguide we can still have the educational part, etc. etc. let’s get rid of all of this fat and waste and executive nonsense, we are not some large charitable organization that needs these boards of directors everywhere and all of these meetings and all of these advisers that we pay cut the umbilical cord and let’s go and that’s my rant raw as it is. I do appreciate all of the volunteers and etc. but we have to move quickly and let’s do it. Thank you.