Number 48 was still in progress when this image was posted by someone to ChipGuide... The obverse is an eBay image and below is that exact piece after delivery...
I mentioned it here back then and it stopped.
The only other time number 48 of the 10.000 was out was in Victor Gadury's 1991 pricelist and nobody knew where it was for all those years....
A ChipGuide image of obverse that only ChipGuide knows wno submitted it and later an update of reverse because the listing had an image of the the obverse twice... Sone had no idea 2hqt they were doing...
The same number 48 and number 37 oval had to be fixed (!and my name added) with this picture showing it was mine and also delivered after the ChipGuide image submission being posted.
It must have been very exciting for the submitter to do such a thing.