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Does this type of hot stamp chip have a name?

Some hot stamp chips just have an image to represent the name of the club, person, establishment, etc.

Other hot stamp chips (like the ones below) combine a word and image. From top left, Arrowhead Inn (OH), Lookout House Club (KY), Blue Horseshoe Club (LA), Shamrock Club (CA), Top Hat Club (CA), and a mysterious Hub Club.

The closest word I can find to represent that idea is rebus. Below is an example;

A rebus, however, is defined in Wikipedia as a “puzzle device that combines the use of illustrated pictures with individual letters to depict words or phrases”. You almost never see that type of design (picture+letter) on a chip, however.

Is there a better word, or are we stuck with rebus?

Messages In This Thread

Does this type of hot stamp chip have a name?
Picture or Pictorial?
Yes. Along with a prefix GEO which points ~~~
Jeff, whatever is decided should be added to ~~~
Thank you for your response John.
Nothing in the older distributor catalogs, either.
Kind of close
Re: Kind of close
Diamond Club (Club Diamond) sounds good.
A wee bit closer, maybe..White Elephant...
Yes, I think that fits the "rebus" category
A synonym for rebus is cryptogram, so......
Possibly CAT CAY (pronounced KEY in Bahamas) Club.
Thanks, my UFC is no longer a UFC
One of the reasons why UFC's should be posted here
I'd call then Icons

Copyright 2022 David Spragg