I recently won this chip on eBay. I exchanged several messages with the seller asking if the chip had been painted or if the colors were way off. The photo in the auction https://www.ebay.com/itm/266051812517 shows the crosshatching matches across the inlay and the clay. The final price was $10.50. The chip came today and I expected immediately to see some sort of problem.....but I don't. There is some reddish color in the $5 in the mold but I don't know how one could alter the chip color and get the edge between the inlay and the clay so perfect. There's no hint of inserts on either face or the sides. It's not listed in either The Chip Rack (edition #20) or The ChipGuide. Here's a scan of the chip (both sides are the same) along with the two Flamingo Hilton chips with the same inlay already in my collection and in the ChipGuide.
Have I really bought a great chip for $10.50 or will someone burst my bubble?