its not hard at all, however it can be time consuming. I have been working on my webpage for a few weeks now..and thaks to the help of some very web wise people here and often times asking opinions of the fine people here i have ended up with what i think is a very nice webpage for a first try. Its not done by far. I am adding scans and pictures which alone can be very time consuming. But the more i do, the more i want to do. I'm having a blast with it, and i get a huge thrill as it develps and evolves.
There are simple pages and there are very advanced types. I got a book on html and webpages from the library which is a GIANT help. I also have a couple of web wizards from here that have helped answer all of my questions and straighten out some of the code mistakes ive made. Theres also a free html code validator that i just doewnliaded free from the internet that picked up a few mistakes that were there thst i didnt even know about.