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Very sad...he was a really great guy
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Another loss to the chipping community
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Another loss to the chipping community
So very sad. This strikes too close to home...
Re: So very sad. This strikes too close to home...
Steve told me that. Also said that you...
Not the best pic, but it is a pic at the SP Binion
Re: So very sad. This strikes too close to home...
So saddened.
Re: So saddened.
Re: So saddened.
Very sorry to hear this news.
Oh no. RIP Steve. We'll miss you.
Very Sad, RIP
Re: Another loss to the chipping community
So very sad to hear this. RIP
Sorry to hear such sad news
So sad, One of the really good guys
Very sad news.
Re: Another loss to the chipping community
Prayers to his family
Very sad...he was a really great guy
Wonderful Guy...Very Sad
Re: RIP Steve
RIP Steve
Terrible News-He Was A Neat Guy
Very sad to hear.
So sad to learn the news.
Really nice, kind and friendly man. Will miss him.
RIP so sorry to hear this.
Our Condolences
So Sad to Hear - Steve was a Great Guy !!
Condolences to Steve's family
So very sad to hear
Rest in Peace, Steve. 🙁
I really enjoyed Steve, will miss him, RIP
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