I would be more interested in seeing the plastic high denoms than some flash which, might not have been on any game...
Chicago knew nothing of the £100,000 plaques and there was total silence when I asked around at BG and, nowhere that I know of in any of the vintage catalogs BG sent me, depict any plaque from London other than the photo of the twice-drilled £10 I sent Tom for publication after getting the okay from BG, along witn everything else I show from their catalogs and such.
As I noted below in your thread,Tom had to have got that information from someone who knew what they were talking about and, it would stand to reason. (at least in my mind) that such a denomination in multibles would have been in a private game in any of the known rooms on any floor and for how long we do not know, except to presume Victor, the croups, the players and of course the manufacturer, would be some of the very few. When their use was terminated and why, we do not know but, if kept hush-hush up to the point where Tom mentions it, we might never find out since we do not know why they were never mentioned prior or do not appear anywhere we know of and we had no idea what plaques existed up to when David visited Victor's family... The good folks at KMW questiond the £10 plaque photo of mine and it all became real when David showed us examples of it... In this hobby we never know what will turn up and when -- such as 140-years later when all anyone knew of the Cercle de la Presse denominations was what was read in a newspaper article over a hundred years ago and then the red 10,000 plaques turn up a few years ago... Here, at least: we know something that might even be confirmed once we see the photo and, buy the way, we know of other diamond studded chips in gold and from more than one gaming jurisdiction... Time will tell.