Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way. The scan below shows how Kregg Herz, author of the USPC chip book handles the words (Howdy was the Editor).
Crest and Seal is used as a reference to the "mold" that Howdy calls #1(C&S).
For each chip discussed, there's a mention of the type of inlay on the chip: one of the four shown below:
The situation is somewhat muddied by the fact that Kregg subtitles the book:
"Crest & Seal Checks and Chips"
That's understandable since nearly all the chips included in the catalog are on the #1 (C&S) mold. She does include an example of the HUB mold, apparently since it was found with holes drilled and mounted on the sample cards with the rest of the C&S mold chips.