~~~ what Dale illustrates in his book regarding coded variations in Ivory is what I have explained when there are MAJOR variations regarding one ring and two rings or narrow rim vs. wide rim and pigmented rims or natural rims as seen in the book and in the case with the STAR (one star) code and the next code being STARS (two stars) and yours and my chip (not in the book) being fully loaded with hash marks on the Star, and it SURE DOES MATTER WITH IVORY COLLECTORS. I even pointed out to you that Hanover had all known variations of rims on the Tiger and, that can affect value of any known such code (in general) where rarety might be known and that collectors who do not know about the codes and what might be rare are not duped in either selling or buying chips online or wherever.
My Ivory collection is down to about 3 chips. ;)
I will soon hit on tampered-with Ivory chip such as filling in nerve holes and rim ring fractures and how to detect them while out in the field along with high-speed buffing to remove blemishes and surface inclusions along with other masking and removal of unsightly scratches that collectors should be aware of... It's what I do and have been doing for over 30-years... and archived here, too.