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Another Tower was unknown to us ~~~

~~~ for many years and still is when it stands alone... and one day while reading the Sunday Times, Ian Sutton found an article mentioning the company and wrote me about the newly found name which I sent to Michael Knapp for his magazine column... Ian Sutton created the Gaming Floor.

Messages In This Thread

NEW: Towering Casinos... grin
NEW: 24 Tower Casinos on the ChipGuide
NEW: Re: 24 Tower Casinos on the ChipGuide
NEW: Probably a Prototype
NEW: Another Tower was unknown to us ~~~
NEW: The above is a ChipGuide image grin
NEW: Re: Towering Casinos... grin
NEW: Meanwhile, 42 Miles South . . .
NEW: Re: Meanwhile, 42 Miles South . . .
NEW: Tower Club, North Las Vegas grin
NEW: Re: Meanwhile, 42 Miles South . . .
NEW: I see the "Tower" in the ChipGuide photo!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg