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Same here. I have Belgian Turf Club jeton/plaque ~
In Response To: Re: What was the auction site? ()

~~~ that I can not tell if Bone or Celluloid-type plastic and not about to poke around... They were originally listed as Ivory... grin

Here, a 1/2 (a 1/4 is known, too) is listed as Bone.
ChipGuide image.

Messages In This Thread

NEW: (NEW FIND) Cercle de l´Union Artistique
NEW: Re: (NEW FIND) Cercle de l´Union Artistique
NEW: Nice bone chip Westen! grin
NEW: grin At one time thought to be l'Univers Vichy grin
NEW: Didn't think that was bone
NEW: It was presented as Bone on eBay.
NEW: Re: It was presented as Bone on eBay.
NEW: What was the auction site?
NEW: Re: What was the auction site?
NEW: Re: What was the auction site?
NEW: Same here. I have Belgian Turf Club jeton/plaque ~
NEW: Re: What was the auction site?
NEW: Re: What was the auction site?
NEW: I read that, too, but do not know how it is done ~
NEW: Here is a piece (painted) that I had 25-years ~~~
NEW: Testing, testing grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg