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Thanks...In addition

Apparently Bob Stupak was close friends with Gene Maday the owner of Little Caesars. In 1998 Maday needed a big bet on Cincinnati to beat the Forty Niners in the Super Bowl to balance his books. Stupak was willing to help out and Maday gave him a 50% discount on the usual 11-10 vig. Cincinnati lost by 4 points but covered the 7 point spread and so Stupak won a million dollars. In gratitude Stupak gave Maday a gift of an experimental race car. I remember the car and that it had a brief explanation this story painted on the side.
What a bunch of characters.

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NEW: Vegas World/Little Caesars Question
NEW: Re: Vegas World/Little Caesars Question
NEW: Re: Vegas World/Little Caesars Question
NEW: Image with more
NEW: Thanks...In addition
NEW: Correction 1989 not 1998
NEW: Re: Thanks...In addition
NEW: Re: Thanks...In addition
NEW: Re: Thanks...In addition

Copyright 2022 David Spragg