OMG! Two days before flying back to HNL, I used one on my "at home" COVID test.
It came out negative for COVID.
I was experiencing none of the COVID symptoms.
Then upon arriving back yesterday, took another "at home" CV test.
This time it read POSITIVE. It showed dark lines on both the C and the T.
I called my Doctor. After answering all his standard CV questions, he call in a prescription for PAXLOVID.
I've taken my first 3 tablet dosage.
4 and a half more days to go.
I have mild symptoms: coughing, runny nose and slight head ache.
Being 72 years old, a Senior with health problems and others in my FAM who also have health issues, I knew I had to call my Doctor asap.
I'm glad I did.
*****I have taken all 4 PFYZER vaccination jags, my most recent was in early May. It was my 2nd Booster.
I'm very sure that if I had not taken any CV Vaccination Jags, and caught CV, I would be in dyer trouble!
Taking all 4 PFYZER shots, I now know that it did not prevent me from getting COV.
It just made my symptoms mild and not life threadening. I hope.
Catching COVID is 100% my fault.
Why? We are very sheltered here in Hawaii.
Most Islanders wear face mask, no shaking of hands, 6 feet social distancing, avoid those who do not wear face mask and avoid entering the Waikiki tourist area.
That is why.....When I saw NO ONE WEARING FACE MASK at the SOUTH POINT, should have stayed in my hotel room!
Oh well I had avoided getting CV for almost 3 years.
Luckily there are CV vaccinations which I have taken, so my CV symptoms are mild.
I know that's like your high school girlfriend, saying she was just a little pregnant.
Thank you all Good Guy Chipp'n Chippers for all your concerns.
Sadly with having Senior very short term memory lost, I will forget what I should have done at the SP for next year.
Aloha and respectfully,
Quintin Kamm