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Advance/Proxy Bids

The Terms and Conditions indicate that all advance/proxy bids must be received by Tuesday 7th June. I will endeavor to accept bids until the latest possible time up to Wednesday 15th, and the instructions are as follows:

You will need to include your name/address and membership number. Detail the Lot numbers & titles with your maximum bid. If you do not want your bid actioned until the live auction, please indicate 'proxy bid'. Otherwise, all bids will be taken on the book now (at the next increment) and then any advance bids which are still below their maximum will be proxied, if necessary, in the auction room. You may place advance bids on all the lots including those in the 'silent auction'. Please place bids with reference to the bidding increments schedule in the terms & conditions of the catalog.

Send your bids, by email (preferred), to and they will be confirmed by return email, or, if you do not wish to use email, you can mail them to:

Jay Sands, 3381 Carsebridge Drive, Henderson, NV 89044

Use this link to download the catalog, which includes the Terms and Conditions:

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Don't forget the CCA's Auction...
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg