I reached out to Charles some time ago, offering my nerd services to help out if/when needed and he sent me an administrative document that describes how things work. I am an internet service provider and host thousands of websites, many of which have databases. I'm also a part-time remote manager of a data center on the east coast (I'm in Reno NV). I'm a programmer and overall super-nerd. I've also offered up several functional improvement suggestions to make the chipguide more user-friendly (in my opinion, naturally).
Currently, I don't have a copy of the database, I don't have any passwords, nor access to the server. In short, I don't have the "keys to the kingdom", so to speak, but if he and the board (or whomever is in charge of these things) would like me to have full access, I'm available to do that and help in any way. Hopefully, that can put some minds at ease.
-- barry