I personally like my own domain, but this would cost you something like $20/year for the domain (www.terryschips.com - which is available BTW). Then you would need to get it hosted which should cost about $8-10 a month for 50 meg. You would get the unlimited email addresses (terry@terryschips.com, heylookhere@terryschips.com, etc.). But you will also get spammed beyond belief.
You other option may just stick with Geocities/Tripod or another choice. Check out http://www.thefreesite.com/Free_Web_Space/ to see some of the different choices.
The one that intrigued me was the www.topcities.com only because 150mb is a whole lot of chip scans. And they will create a subdomain for you so your site address would be (for example) http://terryschips.topcities.com
A couple things to keep in mind:
I created a topcities one to see how it works. LMK where you end up.