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To answer your question.

As you walk through the door on the right into HC there was a counter where the woman was selling postcards, trinkets and playing cards. One deck (not on CG) with photos struck me and I bought it (my mother gave me the 10c) and during our 1994 convention I sold the deck (completely worn down like the cover of an old book) to a well-know paper collector for $300. Not sure exactly when the deck was made; though it has a photo of 'the new Sparks High School.' We were in Reno for 6-weeks that Summer of '51. Mom's Reno collecting continued up through about 1960, as the club continued to send her huge boxfulls of stuff she gave out to resturants and such. It wasn't uncommon for HC to do that back then; send stuff back East

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Incredibly RARE SEALED Golden Nugget Casino Decks!
To answer your question.
Re: To answer your question.
Re: To answer your question.
Re: Incredibly RARE SEALED Golden Nugget Casino De
You may want to sell them now
Are they "incredibly rare"?
How rare are the decks you sold?
Re: How rare are the decks you sold?

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