The letter Jo received (in this thread) had assumed that Jo paid for the items in the package. This was a big error on their part, especially; under my signature showing a "0" value...
I confirmed with USPS that the customs declaration is correct on their part.
I have the option of requesting a return of my property which is in transit and being held in Belgium.
I also have other legal International options though, in this case if I followed those instructions I would not be telling the truth under my premier signature of claiming there is "0" value, constituted upon a price of purchase which the postal service in Belgium insists applies to this transaction and for them to hold this package (see tracking) since before Christmas is strange which, even the USPS agrees.
Read their letter to Jo; everything required in that letter is based on a payment was made...
There is no payment and no tax/fee/duty due to anyone.
I send many gifts to Europe and never once has this happened and my gifts are recent, too.
Strange situation involving two people who exchanged Christmas gifts.