The Casinorama 2020 show will be held at the Gold Coast on 4th-5th February 2022.
Change of dates and location due to AZC no longer renting out their room and SB clashing with Valentines weekend making that time impossible to get space.
The space is a bit larger than we had in the past and more expensive for us. The tables however are 8 foot rather than 6 foot and we've kept the prices the same so hopefully this will attract some new dealers (or existing ones to take extra tables). We felt it was very important this show went ahead and hope that almost everyone will feel more comfortable travelling by then.
If you are interested in a table and I haven't already contacted you, please email me asap.
There will be a limited number of rooms available under a group block and I will post the 'CODE' as soon as we are provided with it.