Got a black screen on my Mac. Tried google, called Apple luck. I confirmed with Apple that I could walk in to an Apple store that's about an hour away. Took the Mac there and the first person I talked to said they couldn't run diagnostics if it had a black screen . Talked to someone else who said they could run diagnostics...but not without an appointment!
Scheduled an appointment for the next day. Went back and the tech got the screen to come back on, but he couldn't get it to boot up. He tried about six ways to get it to boot up, with no luck. My husband asked if we could just leave the computer...which we did. Two days later they called to say it was working and they'd reinstalled the operating system.
We went and picked it up yesterday. Last night I booted it up and it was working o.k. Less than two hours later...the black screen was back...
A few days ago I decided to see if I could get the wireless printer to work with my chromebook, and with my husband's chromebook. Mine first...I tried to get it to recognize the printer 3-4 times, but it wouldn't. I gave up. Then it wanted me to restart it, for an update. I did that, then tried one more time and the computer found the printer! The printer was low on ink, so I didn't actually print anything...but I was pretty positive that it would work.
Feeling successful I decided to repeat the process with my husband's chromebook. I repeated the process...literally!! Including total failure 3-4 times, then restarting the computer before it would recognize the printer! I decided to actually print something though, so typed a test page and told it to print. Nothing came out of the printer. Then I found where it showed the print job in the que and after 10 minutes it showed that it was something like 80% loaded. The job was only 3 words!! sigh...
I'll try again next week. Or not.