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R&N HHL mold ....
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Found these yesterday,2 maybe not in the CG???
Listed in the latest The Gaming Table as "unknown".
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Found these yesterday,2 maybe not in the CG???
A couple more I found yesterday.
Some of the chips a found but didn't buy.
Re: Some of the chips a found but didn't buy.
Gold Country 25c ???
Yes, Oroville CA
Do You Know What The Silver Ones Are?
I think they are for playing 45 records
They're adapters - so you could play a 45 rpm...
Like you're some sort of music expert or something
Re: They're adapters - so you could play a 45 rpm.
R&N HHL mold ....
Thx Jim, do you think the CC is a Chris's Correl ?
Probably, but the fonts are not consistant
Nice finds Tyler...
Re: Nice finds Tyler...
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