So, I was further down the row from the Raffle Table and saw some crazy looking people wearing beer can hats. I walked down to meet them and find out what was going on.
One of the males told be that they were enjoying the Conventing. I looked at his name badge and it read, "Lee O'Dell" and I was shocked, and could only say, "you're Lee O'Dell? To which he said, well, I'm the closest to looking like him.
I was somewhat confused and looked at the female standing next to him and immediately noticed that she too was wearing a Lee O'Dell badge. I then quickly scanned the badges of the 3 remaining males, and everyone was wearing a Lee O'Dell badge!
At this point i realized that these individuals were attending the Convention in celebration of Lee's life. I was impressed with their fun loving nature and asked them to pose for this picture.
Afterwords, I asked for a picture in their fun loving spirit, to which they were happy to do, as seen here.
I have and will adds their names.
Lee will be missed...