Thanks so much for taking the trip, taking the time, and having the ability to make it fun to read!
In the middle of the page, there were a few photos missing. I'd let it slide, but I would really love to see the missing pictures...sometime when you have a minute or five...pretty please?
These are the missing ones:
Inside the dilapidated Great Basin Casino, Baker NV. Roof falling in. Slot machines all smashed up (people looking for money), kitchen with baking items still on shelves, bookwork/paperwork, appliances, black trash bags filled with ???. I was told by locals that this has been abandoned for 25 years or so. Sounds about right.
Nice touch in the men's bathroom at the Great Basin Casino. For the record, I didn't "take one" in any context you can think of.
Look at that beautiful slot glass, wouldja? I probably would have snaked a few except I was flying back from Denver with no easy way to pack and transport such stolen goods.