Before I left on the trip, I made a spreadsheet with each location I planned to visit, grabbing the addresses from TCR20. I didn't consult chipguide, but fortunately, a couple of fellow chippers filled in some blanks and made some corrections, so I arrived in a few towns with additional information. As noted in my blog, I totally spaced on the fact that Eureka was along Hwy 50, so it's not shown here. I see there have been some lively discussions surrounding a couple of Ely properties and I imagine the information that everyone has been cross-checking will make its way into the chip guide and the chip rack as well, providing a more complete and consistent set of resources for all of us to use. In my day 2 post, there were several properties that did not have "addresses" as such, so I included the latitude/longitude in my post, but I have not updated my spreadsheet with this info, and I'm unsure whether CG or TCR wish to include this information as it differs from their standard formats. It's there if they want it. Anyway, here you go. My heavily edited and notated spreadsheet from the Hwy 50 chip trip.