I ship ten packages a week, on average. Since label printers cost more than $100, and take specialty labels, I have never considered it cost-effective to purchase a label printer.
I use my laser printer to print on half-sheet or full-sheet labels and cut them down to size with a razor knife (I don't cut through the backing paper so I can run the label paper back through the printer a second time to get two per page if necessary). It's quick, and that type of label paper is relatively cheap when you buy 500-1000 sheets at a time.
If I had an unlimited budget, a label printer would be on my list of new toys to enjoy.
Truthfully, even if you use regular paper and lots of tape to adhere it to the package, the discounts from printing your own labels at home are well worth it. I easily save about 50 cents or more on small package labels, and I never wait in post office lines.