The fate of the 2021 Convention is being diliberated by the BoD and the several Convention Committee Chairs/Directors and we would like your inputs.
Last week a Dealer's Questionnaire was created and emailed to the 2019 attending Dealers. We thank them for their responses, many of which were positive. We also poled the Committee Chairs and Directors, most of whom are eager to get going!
It is now time to get some feedback from our membership and those non members, that just the same, have attended the Convention in past years. Linked here is a brief Questionnaire that we kindly ask be completed and emailed to the email link provided at the bottom of the form.
Please feel free to print, markup the form, scan and return via email, AND add your comments to the body of your email. If you have a fill-in version of Adobe for .pdf's then fill-in your replies, but still add your comments in the email.
The Questionnaire, without explanations, is also available on the Homepage as a downloadable .pdf. The hot-link towards the bottom of the form should also work to send an email reply.
The link to the Questionnaire (a downloading .pdf) is: .
This is simply what the Questionnaire looks like (email link will not work).
Thank you everyone for your attention and please note, we will be using other methods to disseminate this questionnaire.