512? That's what I have in this one! LOL I was thinking of 2 sticks of 512 on the new one. THe MB you described from Fry's sounds PERFECT! There is a Fry's in Houston (86 miles from me) that just opened not too long ago that I have been wanting to to go see. The LAN is a must for me as I use it to sync my laptop with and share. My desktop is like a server. Problem is that it has everything hung on it but the kitchen sink, LOL That's why I had 512 memory. I am wondering about the new boards with the 400mhz bus that run from 1.2 to 2.0 gig hz (that's cooking!) I don't neet the fastest but would like something say 1.4 ~ 1.8 ghz with a gig RAM. Which is another thing, there is a lot more types of ram now what is what? I might ride over to Fry's this week!