I'm not impressed either by the paste-on sticker chips Dave is selling. It is my understanding that, by and large, they are not affiliated with, or in some cases even authorized by, the establisments they "advertise."
The Ore House chips, on the other hand, while not actually used for "gambling" (unless you call walking into that place gambling ), were produced by the owners of the establishment, are used (particularly the lower denoms) for change and tipping in the establishment, and generally make for a pretty cool collectible if you go in for that sort of thing (which I do!
Another recent "brothel-related" chip I feel is legitimate is pictured below. This chip commemorates the fifth annual Cathouse Poker Run, an actual event where motorcycle riders "visit" several brothels here in NW Nevada to fill out their poker "hand." This is a casino quality chip ordered by the organizers of the event, not some homemade paste-on job. I have a few available for sale if you're interested.
I also have all of the Ore House chips available. Email me if you want to get into the "tittie bar chip collector" club !