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As they say in the Stock Market, it's time for a

3:1 split! My mother inherited my grandfather's orchids (his last obsession in life) but, having no Green Thumb, was terrified that she would do "something wrong" when it came time to repotting or splitting them, and chose to take them to an expert to do it for her. I still remember his name, Howard Stauffenberg, in Hollywood, Florida. Funny how some memories remain for years.

The orchids survived well enough - I inherited the job of "misting" their leaves - until we moved from Hollywood in 1965, and I think Mr. Stauffenberg ended up with whatever plants were still around. Apartment buildings in New York not being conducive for happy orchids.

I have a $3 Feather Falls Casino Chipco chip here awaiting to be sold, it's in Orchid Purple. There, now this is Chip Related. vbg

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NCR • 🌿 Cymbidium aloifolium / a warm grower.
As they say in the Stock Market, it's time for a
All the experts brought up "dividing" the plant ~~
The most recent.

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