~~~ a rather archaic voting system while still maintaining a much needed absentee method as originally instituted if we were to utilize what is fully available to us electronically, and over a longer time period then what we presently use which can easily give everyone the opportunity to vote in person at designated locations within our ZIP code system... Easy to employ, fast, accurate and with virtually zero chance of what is taking place now.
I can't even walk into my doctor's office without the receptionists knowing exactly who I am within seconds of me walking up to the desk... And that same method can be used at most every post office in the United States, over a period of six months for all general elections with actual, hard copy ballots which could be mailed to us no matter where we reside... If we wanted to -- and everyone who wants to vote would do so within a 6-month period; accurately and as confidentially as is our current IRS system.