The fact that I've been the highest bidder on an auction for a $5 Hooters chip for almost three days putting in what I consider a very significant proxy bid only to most likely have the chip snatched out of my grasp at the last minute and/or even the last seconds of the auction.
I am DOOMED to never own a $5 Hooters chip.
I would like to know who exactly is the dingbat at Trump Marina in charge of chips, I want this person's head on a gold platter!
I really don't understand the casino's reasoning for only making 600 chips, It's not like when it goes up in value (which obviously this chip has) that they are going to make money on the increased value because they aren't! the only people making money are the dealers and collectors selling them off, So why not make a minimum of a 1,000 that's still a good low number for collectible chips, Trump gets his $5,000 for the $5 chips and $25,000 for the $25.00 chips, The collectors get their chips and everyone is happy.
== Rick ==