in my humble opinion (I'm sure it will arouse others).
I'm 70 years old, some days I can barely see the computer screen (diabetes) but learned (most of) the techniques needed to post images for the Guide. OK, sometimes I drive Charles or Albert batty, especially when front-and-back colors don't quite match, or I cannot get outside to take a decent shot (having only one leg to actually walk on kinda sorta limits unnecessary trips except to flea markets), or images somehow end up all mish-mosh. But I keep at it and generally, the submission process is "easy" enough, and passes muster. (Just remember to reduce photo size to under 500 pretzels or whatever they are).
Please don't give up! Someday I'll encounter the very same chips or things you decline to post, then I will get the DISCOVERY CREDITS. Ha ha ha ha! (Now I'm really certain everyone is aroused.) To soothe any ruffled feathers from you Proud Birds, if you shoot me an email I can try to go through the steps to fill out the Submission Form.