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...and as far as which plaques to avoid buying ~~~

~~~ the threads mentioning some of the finds many years ago and their poor storage would be very educational, along with reading the health risks, but as I mention above, the posts by those in the industry and science teachers as Katie Smith and those who she has quoted, are must-read articles in order to know about breakdown of the plastics. Personally, I avoid most of those types of plaques that are discussed with the problems; not knowing what methods were used in trying to unwrap and make an othewise damaged plaque appear to look better as these things changed hands... The posts/articles will say it all... especially when reading the not-so-good methods of coating a plaque with nail polish or the lunettes with marine varnish and applying heat to unwrap a plaque.

Messages In This Thread

Baden- Baden Plaques - A few more questions ??
Re: Baden- Baden Plaques - A few more questions ??
Found pics; 2018, coated lunette. Jay can compare
Jerry, I would say NO to #4 if no graphic change.
...and as far as which plaques to avoid buying ~~~
Appears Spell Checker dislikes the term "unwarp"
Jerry, #6, deteriorating. Even though the color ~~
Jerry, your #6 question. Here is an example ~~~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg