For me, the opposite is true. If I see a chip that’s not in the guide, the seller better have some convincing information and provenance as to why that chip has super rare value. Otherwise, it might as well be a UFC to me. Not saying those don’t have value, but I’m not shelling out any serious money on an unknown chip. The existence in the chip guide (and/or TCR and/or other books/guides) CREATES more value because it also creates more interest. And if a chip is known AND in limited existence, it’s worth way more (to me). Anyway, I don’t think the club (or the guide) depend on any one person to make or break the “inventory”. If you don’t want to share, that’s fine. Someone will eventually contribute a scan and all will be right and we’ll in the world. And, you will have the added bonus of people being MORE interested in your chip should you choose to display it at some point.