Started off soon after 6 PM, got a few "easy" ones, but had to stop for dinner as my eyes were going out on me. Then found a few more . . . stopped and went back to this seemingly hopeless puzzle around 1 AM, and started hitting a few. My confidence up, I went on until 2:30 AM. Only mistake of logic, I felt that Charles would include a "McGuffin" in the form of a chip that could not be identified on the ChipGuide. I don't think he appreciated that comment on my answers, but hey - at least I didn't ring Mr. Kaplan up at 2:45 AM to announce my completion of the treasure hunt. Next time - he may not be so lucky!
One funny thing: when searching for any and all brown chips, 152 pages of them in fact, I came across a photo of a chip I had around here but could never identify. LVM (I thought it read GVM) for Las Vegas Moose Club. And my cancelled grey LVM was not shown on the ChipGuide, so we all ended up with a new submission I think. That, and not awakening Professor Kaplan, oughta be worth 10 points extra credit!
Congratulations on the winner(s), those speedy bunnies all! It turned out fun (18 out of 20) once I regained my vision. Molds, huh? More molds than I find on my bread and cheese!
I rate the Treasure Hunt: AMFSPQ. (Almost as Much Fun as a Steve Passalacqua Quiz.)