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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: It's about fear, not the government!

Interesting question:

Which invader are you speaking of.

If you are speaking of those who committed the terrorist acts of September 11, there is a preliminary issue.

1) Who in fact perpetrated these acts? Sure the government now points to Osama Bin Laden as the Prime Suspect. They present no evidence, simply conclusions. And we are expected to simply believe the government when they say they have investigated and it is Osama Bin Laden? This is the same government which needed over a year to investigate whether the President got a blowjob. But they cracked this case in 48 hours.
(Before you jump on me for that, I am not suggesting that Osama Bin Laden is a nice guy, just that I will not necessarily accept the governments word that he is the perpetrator of these specific acts.) I have heard one Terrorism expert who believes that it was not Bin Laden, but Iraq.

So lets suppose as you do, that it was Osama Bin Laden. What can I do? Well I considered a military strike, but my aircraft carrier is in the shop this week. I know, economic sanctions, I won't buy any more Osama Bin Laden Brand Tuna Fish.

The actions that I can take against the perpetrators of this as an individual are somewhat limited.

So what can I do.

Well I can help show support for the victims. I have donated to the American Red Cross as well as other organizations. Sure others gave more, but then again others gave less.

On September 11, 2001 I spent over 4 hours on line at the Red Cross Blodd center to donate blood. I am still on a waiting list and have an appointment for late October.

But most importantly I have refused to let the terrorists win. I refuse to be terrorized. I will continue to fly (although the cancellation of flight may have grounded me for my October Trip), and attend ball games (Hopefully the World Series in Yankee Stadium) and I will shortly be visiting my friends living in Manhatten. And I will continue to challenge bigotry when I see it.

BTW I am providing providing free legal assistance to a National Guardsman who was fired from his job when he was called to duty.

Do I pass?

Messages In This Thread

Exactly what I feared is now happening
I didn't have time to fear that.
Re: I didn't have time to fear that.
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
"IT" being my Country
Re: "IT" being my Country
Go burn a flag Pete.
Go burn a cross Mike.
It's about fear, not the government!
Thank You Bob! Well said.
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Having said that...
Re: Having said that...
Re: Having said that...
Always nice
Re: Always nice
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
Re: Exactly Terry
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
"The only thing necessary ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Not at all! ....
Re: Not at all! ....
I missed where ...
More ...
Re: More ...
Re: More ...
Re: More ...
What to do ...
Re: I missed where ...
I geuss I should be ashamed of this country....
No need to be ashamed of our country ...
Of course things have improved ...
Re: Of course things have improved ...
Re: Of course things have improved ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Now more than ever it is important ...
Re: Now more than ever it is important ...
Re: Now more than ever it is important ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg