That was not a very long list Kerry. I do not deny that those thing have happened, we are not perfect. Do you see those things "Every minute of every day?"
Also, please point out to me where or which post I said or implied we should IGNORE those things. I missed it.
I have lived here all my life, I have see some pretty bad things happen during that time. Due to the frequency I don't believe these things to be happening around me every minute of everyday, nor am I more fearful of the government than I am of terrorist. I believe that you should always strive to improve things around you, I have never suggested ignoring them either. This country has been a good place to live, plenty of freedom, opportunities for me and my family. While it is not perfect, I have a hard time portraying this country to be so bad. I love this country and feel blessed I was born here as opposed to anywhere else on earth. If it were so bad, why are so many people coming INTO this country rather than LEAVING it? This country ain't so bad. Is it perfect? No. Can we improve Yes. Do I make negetive blanket statements about it? No. You should move to Beaumont life is good here.