Hi Bill,
I must apologize for making it appear that I was referring to you in that post. The infected email that I received last month was from a William S., but it was generated from my participation in a different forum. I contribute to quite a few different online forums as well a provide content for websites, and sometimes they tend to blend together when I'm thinking about a problem common to all of them.
....it seems like I get hit with every new virus if it uses a different method of infiltration. My best laptop has been down since last Wednesday. I did a live update with Norton the previous day, and got hit with something that won't let me logon the very next day. I've been trying to buy a copy of Netscape in the local stores that sell computer software. None of them stock it. The pat answer to my question "do you have Netscape software that I can buy?" has been "No, you just download it." If I had a browser that was functioning on that computer, I would! Sheesh!
The new worm viruses are not only plucking the "to" email addresses from different places on the infected user's hard drives, they are picking the "from" email addresses from the same places, SO, the new crap can be innocently sent from the infected computer using our email addresses as appearing to be the original sender.
I'm personally getting very tired of fighting this stuff, but I'm an open target in some of the venues that I send information to. I won't stop being an open target, but I will use every tool available to stop from being hit. I take this stuff VERY seriously because internet access and usage is crucial to my making a living.