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Knock three times and tell 'em Bugsy sent ya!

Went to the supermarket near my house this afternoon. Line stretched down the sidewalk almost to the Burbank Airport runway. Nyyyaaahhhhhh! Those planes are distracting. Finally got to the door but I told the guard I needed a cart - the carts were parked way back, so I had to run over to grab one, they were all jammed into one another and the Sanitizing Queen had to help pull them apart. The Queen was busy washing down all the baskets with poison. Just the sort of stuff I want to pile my groceries into!

New rule posted: All shoppers must come alone and not bring children. Alone we come into the world and alone we will shop for tortillas.

Finally got in - noticed all food prices had been increased (no doubt to pay for the poison so liberally used) - three teensy avocadoes for a dollar, three thin ears of corn for another buck (brought back memories of the Pharaoh's Bad Corn Dream) - okay I finally got a couple of turkey wings for $5. Turkeys don't carry the virus, do they? Keeping them in bags until I can figure out that puzzle.

On the way out, I saw a woman grab a cart BEFORE getting into the line. NOOOOOOO!!! The Guard and Sanitizing Queen like enough wrestled her to the ground for that infraction. You can't touch a cart until you get to the door and the Guard says you may take one.

They need to pass a law: everyone who has Coronavirus needs to wear a Scarlet Letter!

Meanwhile, the people in Huntington Beach are revolting. Not that they usually aren't but they're passing around petitions calling for the recall of Governor Gruesome. Like!

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It was like trying to get into Fort Knox/eye exam
Knock three times and tell 'em Bugsy sent ya!
Re: Knock three times and tell 'em Bugsy sent ya!
It's all good training to fight it for this Fall
Though I make my rounds a few X per day ~~~
How Much Do You Usually Pay for ‘Cados and Corn?
These are little 'Cadoes
Yellow dent here 10 for $1 sometimes.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg