Having served on boards where difficult decisions often have to be made, I completely sympathize with all of you. The organization that goes into planning and executing this annual event is extraordinary, to say the least, and I'm sure all involved are disappointed that their efforts are not going to see the light of day this year. However, for most of us (well, me anyway), this is a hobby, not a living. I'm new to this group, so I don't have the ties and relationships that I can see many of the rest of you have. This is often the one time you can get together face to face for a visit. Hopefully, before next year, you will find ways to reconnect with each other in person, and if not, 2021 will be the year (unless a new and improved COVID-20 is sprung on us). Anyway, this would have been my 2nd convention, and 1st one being a member (told you I was new!). I look forward to next year's event. Thanks again to everyone who put in such a monumental effort this year.