how to mail chips for less than $4.06 Small Packet rate. The clerks have tried everything to get me to stop - threatening me, refusing to take my envelopes at the counter, telling me that cardboard within an envelope automatically makes it a package, etc., etc. "Insanely cheap" prices?!!! I don't think so. It used to cost 3ยข to mail a first class letter and the mail was delivered TWICE a day. Nowadays - we're lucky our mail even gets to the door - it goes to neighbors a block or two away with the same house number and they seemingly toss it in the trash. Our "Sun Valley" carrier now operates out of Burbank - just try to figure out where your missing mail might be. If the post office wants to save costs - let 'em erect a community postbox on every block, mail gets deposited there, residents get a key, and go down their block to retrieve their mail. Save even more? Stop giving huge price breaks to junk-mailers, presorted mail, blah, blah, blah. Let all users of the mail pay the same "insanely cheap" prices and see how soon the post office gets into the black!