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North Hollywood Target protocol
In Response To: Smart move by Target. ()

No waiting line to enter, at least when I went there yesterday afternoon. Wanted to buy eggs but the store had none left. I was able to find a packet of 12 soap bars, hand-size not bath-size but in these times, who's complaining?

Checkout was two very long lines snaking through the store. One line led to live cashiers, the other to self-serve. I guessed self-serve would be faster, and I was correct. That line moved fairly quickly. In-between purchases, a store employee wiped down the scanner and buttons with . . . something from a shpritz-bottle, then she called the next "guest" to step forward.

This "step forward" thing. I kept thinkin' I'd see the Great and Powerful Beneficient Wizard of OZZZZZZZ!

Paid and RAN outta that store! YahhhhhhhhhH!

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Smart move by Target.
North Hollywood Target protocol

Copyright 2022 David Spragg