think about this LOGICLY (if possible)
Senario: There is a drive by shooting, no witnesses, victom is dead. All the cars that went past you were able to stop. There were only three cars.
Car #1 contains a Priest & 2 Nuns in their habits and are visibly shaken by what has happened.
Car #2 contains 1 adult and 4 boys in Boysouct uniforms, campaing stuff tied to the roof or the car.
Car #3 contains 3 young adults wearing T-shirts bandannas, tatoos listening to rap music, are evasive and appear to be gang members.
WHO do you suspect first? It's human nature to suspect someone more that another. Are you right? Maybe, maybe not. In this example it was the priest (they were imposters). If you did not put more suspision on the people who appeared as gang members (who were going to a costume party) you are totally unaware of current events for the past 10 years. Hopefully, you questioned them all and arrested the right ones.
If a White Male age Mid 20's steals a sports car and you refuse to profile, you are looking suspiciously are grandma driving the pickup as a suspect. LOL
Silly example but we all do it. We just don't admit it.