There is place in between you know. I've had my bags searched, I had a checked bag pulled last year on my way to the convention. That doesn't bother me.
I'm not only concerned about the airport.
In this past week I have heard calls for racial profiling. (Because we all know that only Arabs are terrorists).
Calls for Arabs and/or Muslims to be expelled from the country.
Calls for Arabs and/or Muslims to be forced into Internment Camps.
Three men are currently being imprisioned by the U.S. government as a result of the attacks yet none have been charged for that attack.
The government is seeking to make it easier to engage in wiretapping.
That scares me more than any terrorist.
And your "Some people want the freedom to drink & drive" argument is bogus.
You are comparing allowing government to intrude into our lives without actual reason to believe we have done or are doing anything wrong with laws which punish for specific actions.
After all we don't arrest people for suspicion that the may be planning to go out and drink and drive later.