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The fun is in the Journey

My advice is to not be in a hurry to 'complete' your collection and focus and enjoy the hunt, I think that is much more rewarding than the end goal itself. grin

I have a similar goal to yours - my collection is one chip from every Las Vegas casino that ever existed and had chips.

In the past 3 years, through all sorts of methods (conventions, ebay, ChipChat, Spinetti's, postings here on TheChipboard, etc.), I've whittled down from 200 to the point where I just need 16 chips (many Z+).

I realize some may never be obtained, but that doesn't stop me from looking everywhere I can, since I really view the interactions with people as one of the best parts of this hobby.

Messages In This Thread

Seeking advice on finding rarer NV chips
This is what worked for me; finding rarer NV ~~~
Would this still work?
Re: Would this still work?
Mike, I sent you an email. Let me know. Thanks.
Response sent! Thanks, Bob!!
Thank you. That's a great idea.
The fun is in the Journey
Re: The fun is in the Journey

Copyright 2022 David Spragg